Pentair Jung Pumpen manual

As a company that likes to provide a good level of service, if you ask us for something then we like to deliver!
We’ve been asked on a few occasions to get a Pentair Jung Pumpen manual together of all the datasheets for the Jung Pumpen range of products. We do provide these online (just go to your product of choice for technical datasheets, 3d models and 3dBims) which means that you can always access accurate data wherever you are but every now and then its nice to have a manual that you can keep on your desk which has everything in it.
We are a company that is observant of our carbon footprint and the amount of paper we use, so these aren’t something we are going to send to everyone. However, if you would like one sent to you please get in touch with David by emailing and he will post one to you.
Once in receipt of the folder we will aim to keep it updated by sending out quarterly updates so that you always have the most up-to-date information.
Jung Pumpen! A company of the Pentair Group
Jung Pumpen
with Pump